
In the vast realm of gaming, where AAA titles dominate the spotlight, such as Need for Speed, a thriving subculture of independent game developers has emerged, crafting racing experiences that defy conventions and ignite a new wave of adrenaline-fueled excitement. From pixelated throwbacks to futuristic...

Bali Major 2023 groups have been revealed by the organizers. The tournament is set to take place between June 29-July 9  IO Esports took to Twitter to announce the Bali Major 2023 groups. The first group stage will see sixteen teams splitting into two groups...

Danish CSGO giants Astralis have announced that they have parted ways with their Head Analyst Nicolai “⁠HUNDEN⁠” Petersen and Director of Sports Kasper Hvidt Astralis made headlines on Wednesday with a series of sweeping changes to their management staff. The organization decided to cut ties...

Let’s learn more information about one of the popular supports from this Dota 2 Rubick guide. Regarding unique Dota 2 heroes, Rubick is undoubtedly one of the names that deserve to be on the list. As we’ll see in this Rubick Dota 2 guide, this...

Here are tips and tricks for the Final Fantasy 16 Combat System. Switching up Final Fantasy‘s iconic turn-based combat into one similar to a Capcom character action game has been a point of controversy. But we've bargained the tactical combat of back in the day...