
Does Aerith die in FF7 Rebirth? It's another question that many are asking, in addition to that of why Zack is still alive in the game. For this reason, in this article, we will explain everything we know and answer this question to clear away...

Helldivers 2 just added weather effects to the game. We will be discussing the Helldivers 2 Weather Update in this article. Helldivers 2 came out this year and immediately rose to popularity. With multiple exciting maps to play on and terrains to fight through, the...

Chocobos have always been one of the creatures most loved by Final Fantasy players and many are wondering whether or not it is possible to breed them. In this article, therefore, we will tell you everything you need to know about breeding FF7 Rebirth Chocobo...

In FF7 Rebirth, as in the original game, there are many Materia that players can use throughout their adventure. One of these is the FF7 Rebirth Magnify Materia. In the original game, the name was different, but it has practically the same function: the effects...