Esports Rising 2021 Recap: Tatiana Tacca & Avi Bhuiyan

Esports Rising 2021 Recap: Tatiana Tacca & Avi Bhuiyan

A big part of esports, especially from a brand perspective, is the impact of influencers who often interact directly with fans during live streams, and this sparked lively discussion at the Esports Rising virtual event. Loaded VP/Corporate Development Avi Bhuiyan noted the importance of understanding gaming’s “enormous pool of content,” some of which has “nothing […]

The post Esports Rising 2021 Recap: Tatiana Tacca & Avi Bhuiyan first appeared on The Esports Observer.

All, Esports Rising, Esports Rising 2021, Features, Global, Avi Bhuiyan, events, Influencers, Loadded, Marketing, Sports Business Journal, Tatiana Tacca

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