Esports Management at Birmingham City University gets CMI accreditation

Esports Management at Birmingham City University gets CMI accreditation

Birmingham City University has announced that its newly launched BA (Hons) Esports Management course has been accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

The CMI accreditation approves the course’s approach of combining mainstream business and management theory with practical esports application to cover multiple aspects. These aspects include technology and digital innovation, marketing, events, operations and analytics. 

Photo credit: Birmingham City University, CMI

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In addition to a degree, graduates will also gain a certificate in Management & Leadership, designed for practising managers and leaders at operations, division, departmental or specialist level.

Dr Richard Oddy, Subject Group Leader at Birmingham City University, spoke on the release: “The Esports Management course has been a great success to date and the CMI accreditation further validates its strong links to industry and our commitment to developing work ready graduates and esports leaders of the future.

Furthermore, Esports Management students will become members of the global CMI community, which connects over 140,000 managers and leaders across multiple sectors and industries. Together with numerous learning resources, the membership provides students with opportunities to connect through its mentoring scheme, which features senior managers of the community. 

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Birmingham City University’s Esports Management course commenced for the first time in the 2020/21 academic year. The three-year-long bachelor’s programme claims to provide full exposure to the esports ecosystem, including internships and fieldwork in collaboration with a number of esports professionals and global esports organisations.

Esports Insider says: This is great news for scholastic esports. Optimistically, Birmingham City University is on its way to create a future generation of esports management professionals with academic expertise in the field, as well as practical experience from qualified managers of CMI and leading esports organisations.

Read The Esports Journal

Games, Latest News, Markets, UK, Birmingham City University, Chartered Management Institute, CMI, Esports Management

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